The grinding of epoxy produces both large strands of plastic and smaller dust particles. If not properly extracted, this can have an impact on the health of operators, the working environment and processing machinery. To ensure a good working environment and safe workplace for its employees at Lemont, only the best air filtration equipment is used. This not only protects the current employees, but also makes the workplace attractive for future recruitment.
Since Absolent had proven to be a reliable supplier of oil mist filters, Lemont also chose Absolent for dust filtration. After careful testing and calculations, the A-dust 15 was chosen. It is an investment that will last for many years, as it has been calculated to last for a growing fleet of machines. The long life of the filters has resulted in low maintenance and service costs.
Lemont has managed to maintain a healthy working environment for its employees for many years. With only one filter change per year and a quick cleaning of the filters every six months, the low-maintenance filter unit can run continuously and guarantee clean air year after year.